Basement Fodder episode 144: The Christmas show 2016!

*Warning! The following show was recorded under the influence of much alcohol!*The 2016 Christmas Show is here! Just when i thought it wouldn’t happen, here it is, bigger than life and twice as hammered. We ramble on about a myriad of subjects including Star Wars, Spiderman, WWE and the tearing down of the Basement of Doom. A drunken show so be warned.  Click here to listen to the show!

The quiet times…

As some may have noticed, we’ve been off on our output as of late. This time of year is always difficult to get time to record with the holidays being upon us and college finals for Dave, but that’s only part of the reason. There are a lot of change happening in the world of Basement of Doom Productions, most notably, the actual Basement of Doom is in process of being disassembled and packed away for an upcoming move for Dave and I. This has been a difficult process. For reasons that are not public at this time, my life is changing completely and because of that i’m dealing with tearing down this wonderful Basement that Dave and I spent the last six years creating. These past few weeks, i’ve been slowly taking down posters and prints and packing boxes full of toys and games and swag. I find that it has been a draining and emotional task. Not only physically daunting as the sheer volume of stuff we own is staggering, but emotionally draining as i’m not only packing up a room, but packing up a dream. This basement has been the birthplace of our podcast family. I look to my desk and I can clearly see Dave and I huddled around a shitty microphone, recording those first few shows that started it all. I look around the table I sit at as I write these words and I see the faces of creators we’ve had over to interview. Faces of men I respected as artists and writers that have become irreplaceable friends like Dirk Manning, Michael Watson, KC Anderson, Todd Biestel Troy Copes and many more. I look at our microphone and think of the dozens of Skype sessions i’ve had recording Todd Files episodes with friends like Paul Gori, Kevin Cuffe, Bob Salley and Victor Dandridge and my time on Geekdig with Clint Thiele. All of the shows i’ve guested on with amazing podcasters like Michelle Joy Gallagher, Stefani Menard and JR Blanton. These memories are precious to me. I know that the Basement of Doom will live on in spirit and of course in time be rebuilt, bigger and better than ever, but it still makes me melancholy to see this place torn down. In a way this is an end, but its also a beginning. There will be more shows, more friends, new and old, and there will always be a Basement of Doom whether it be physical or only in my heart. Thank you to all that have made these four years of podcasting some of the happiest of my life. Stick with us, the best is yet to come.   – Todd